Hajdúk I. panneau displaying by Mayor Denes Csáfordi.
Photo: Péter Égerházi
Imre Égerházi’s Hajdúk I., a large panneau painted in 1987, had a rough life after its removal from Újbarázda Mgtsz (Hajdúhadház), and later from the meeting room of the agrarian cooperative. The 6 x 1.85 meter artwork was acquired by Tiszántúli Takarék Szövetkezet, but in 2019 the financial institution transferred the ownership to the local government of Hajdúhadház.
The renovated painting, composed of three parts, was unveiled on December 10 at a new location in the Community Building of the Szederjes Sports and Conference Center. After the greeting of Mayor Dénes Csáfordi, Ilona Vargáné Sőrés, the principal of János Földi Primary School, spoke about the large-scale creation during a city event series. He said that due to the difficulty of obtaining financial support, this implementation took three years. The painting shows 72 figures and faces, 7 populated groups and scenes, and 6 contemporary historical relics. On the busy, colourful surface, the groups and scenes are arranged around the faces of grand princes István Bocskai and Gábor Báthori, chief captain and government commissioner of the revolutionary government in 1849, Gábor Sillye, and the coat of arms of the Hajdús. Going from left to right, one can see the history of the Hajdús from their settlement to the elimination of the Hajdú districts.
The large-scale artwork, presumably in its final location in the hall of the community building, is protected from possible damage by plexiglass.