“Editing is extremely tight; the artist pays much more attention to plastic balance than before. With curved boundary lines, he creates plane shapes closed on their own: circles, ovoid formations. By arranging these, he then creates the feeling of a third extent of the surface. He further enhances the dynamic effect of the paintings by editing objects that are square, rectangular, or triangular into circular or soft-curved planes. Soft lines and sharp protrusions dominate Égerházi’s artwork.

… The artist does not further enhance stylization but focuses on the compositional elements. And by dominating the geometric shapes with more sophisticated colors, he also gives the visual a bigger role. Some of his works are harsher than before, their colors are harder, but that is why the works have become more honest and truthful. In fact, these works are not landscapes, but works of art that carry all the essential plastic signs and characteristics of a region – the soul of the landscape.”

 Pál Köteles
Hajdú-Bihari Napló, 1977 June Issue