Égerházi artwork in Szolnok
Article from the Hajdú-Bihari Napló, published on September 26, 1982
The exhibition of the artist from Hajdú-Bihar can be seen at the seat of our neighboring county. The grand opening of the exhibition of the painter Imre Égerházi took place on Thursday, September 23, in the Aba-Novák hall of the Gallery in Szolnok. The exhibition, which runs until October 9, was opened by Rudolf Patakvölgyi, Chairman of the Council of Hajdúböszörmény, as well as Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Böszörmény International Artists’ Colony.
Imre Égerházi, a painter born in Hajdúhadház, is a founding and permanent member of the Hajdúság International Artists’ Colony, where he received a special prize in 1970 and the Miklós Káplár Prize in 1974 and this year. His paintings can be found in domestic and foreign museums, public institutions, as well as collectors and individuals.
Interjú Égerházi Imrével, Magyar Rádió, 1982
Égerházi Imre kiállítása, Szolnok, Képcsarnok, ABA-Novák terem, 1982